
TL;DR - Speeding up scientists’ workflows by 1 second per day would be a huge win for humanity. We’re aiming to do that by bringing User Experience Design principles to scientific tools.

Who is ScienceUX.org for?

For scientists and researchers who want to create more impactful posters, articles, and talks.

For champion scientists who want to influence their whole field to discover more efficiently through better designed tools and systems

For the designers who want to help science by sharing their knowledge and skills, and creating new design patterns useful to science.

Bringing UX Design to Science

User Experience Design is a field in the tech industry used, typically, to smooth out frustrations in customer experience so that companies can make more money.

In science, we have something more important than (just) money on the line: we have human progress itself.

Industry’s ultimate dependent variables is money, or shareholder value. Our dependent variables

Science’s dependent variables are lives saved, suffering healed, planets explored.

So, in the same way industry uses user experience design to get people through online shopping experiences effortlessly, I want to use UX to help scientists discover faster, more effortlessly, with less frustration.

But, one person alone can’t do this. The key to raising the UX Maturity of science is to create more UX experts within every field of science, so you can change your own field from within.

That’s the purpose of ScienceUX.org --- this site is for scientists who want to make their own field discover more efficiently through more efficiently designed tools and systems, and this site is for the designers who want to help scientists do that.

Here, eventually, you’ll find kits to help you immediately start influencing your field of science, even if you’re new to UX design.

Research, design, training & community for #betterscience